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tips for C/C++


Programming Suggestion

Do not use Macro to pre-process source file

In legacy c99 one common skill is to use #if to conditionally remove code piece, and this is done in the compiler pre-process stage. In other words, the same effect as removing that part of code directly from the file.

The down side of this technique is that modern IDE lost awareness of that part of code and some operations like rename an variable, refactor function definition totally missed those code pieces. After sometime, another person can not easily turn off those #if easily because of big code change, lost context, etc.

But how to achieve similar effect? I personally do it like following example:

// use static const (or constexpr) to serve MACRO purpose
static const bool ENABLE_LOG = 0==1;

int has_three_args(int argc){
    return 3==argc;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    // use `if` statement  with compile time deterministic condition to serve `#if` purpose
    if (1==1 && ENABLE_LOG){
        return has_three_args(argc);

    return 0;

Try compile it with minimal as O1 level optimization, c++ -c -O1 main.cpp && objdump -dr main.o. You can see the if section is completely removed from main function. The same effect as #if achieved.

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <_Z14has_three_argsi>:
   0:	83 ff 03             	cmp    $0x3,%edi
   3:	0f 94 c0             	sete   %al
   6:	0f b6 c0             	movzbl %al,%eax
   9:	c3                   	retq   

000000000000000a <main>:
   a:	b8 00 00 00 00       	mov    $0x0,%eax
   f:	c3                   	retq   

CoreDump debugging

To simulate a segment fault crash,

  1. Run ulimit -c unlimited to enable core dump saving.
  2. Start the executable like catchsegv sleep 1m (catchsegv help print the stack trace info when crash).
  3. pgrep -af sleep to find out the PID of the executable.
  4. kill -11 $PID to send a SIGSEGV(11) signal to the process to trigger crash.
  5. Find core dump file under /var/lib/systemd/coredump/. The path or saving pattern can be configured with like echo '|/root/bin/ %P' > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern.
  6. Analysis the core dump with gdb --tui -q /usr/bin/sleep ./core.sleep.

Easy to make mistake

  • 需要在std命名空间内重载STL容器(如std::vector)的比较操作符,否则不会被诸如std::set等容器自动应用。

  • 类数组delete 基本类型的对象没有析构函数,所以回收基本类型组成的数组空间用 delete 和 delete[] 没有区别。但是对于类对象数组,只能用 delete[]。

  • switch语句中case跳过变量初始化的问题


      switch (a)
          case 0:
              POINTS p = *(POINTS *)a;
              int i = 0;
          case 1:

    编译报错:error C2360: initialization of 'i' is skipped by 'case' label


      switch (a)
          case 0:
              POINTS p = *(POINTS *)a;
              int i = 0;
          case 1:
  • Do not predfine istream_iterator as the The first object is read when the iterator is constructed: std::istream_iterator<float> inputIter(inputFile);

Code snippets

  • Solve static variable in class template can not be partial specification.

      template<typename T>
      T _default_value() {
          return T();
      float _default_value<float>() {
          return -1;
      //typedef int T;
      template<typename T>
      class CL
          typedef decltype(fabs(T() - T())) TD;
          CL() {}
          ~CL() {}
          TD get(int i, int j) {
              return default;
          static const TD default;
      template<typename T>
      const typename CL<T>::TD CL<T>::default = _default_value<CL<T>::TD>();
  • Get value type of pointer

      #include <iostream>
      template<typename T>
      struct DECAY
          typedef decltype(**(T*)NULL) type;
      int main(int argc, char *argv[])
          const char *cc=NULL;
          typename DECAY<decltype(cc)>::type x = *cc; //reference, nothing happend when x is accessed, so no runtime error here
          std::cout << typeid(x).name() << std::endl;
          typename std::decay<decltype(*cc)>::type y=*cc; //assign, runtime error when cc==NULL
          std::cout << typeid(y).name() << std::endl;
  • Singleton

      #include <iostream>
      #include <memory>
      #include <map>
      class Singleton
          static Singleton& GetInstance(size_t id = 0) {
              static std::map<size_t, std::unique_ptr<Singleton>> mpInstance;
              if (mpInstance.find(id) == mpInstance.end()) {
                  printf("New singleton request: %d \n", id);
                  mpInstance[id] = std::unique_ptr<Singleton>(new Singleton(id)); //unique_ptr will make sure new got delete and not pointer transfered
              else {
                  printf("Old singleton request: %d \n", id);
              return *mpInstance[id];
          ~Singleton() {
              printf("I am died: %d -> %x\n", id, this);
          size_t id;
          Singleton(size_t _id):id(_id){
              printf("I am borned: %d -> %x\n", id, this);
          Singleton(const Singleton&) {}
          Singleton(Singleton&&) {}
      int main(int argc, char *argv[])
          ErrorCode e, result = SUCCESS;
          printf("Main started\n");
          Singleton& x = Singleton::GetInstance(0);
          printf("Got it: %d -> %x\n", 0, &x);
          Singleton& y = Singleton::GetInstance(1);
          printf("Got it: %d -> %x\n", 1, &y);
          Singleton& z = Singleton::GetInstance(0);
          printf("Got it again: %d -> %x\n", 0, &z);
          printf("Main exit\n");
          return 0;
  • boost example
      #include <iostream>
      #include <fstream>
      #include <iomanip>
      #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
      int main(int argc, char *argv[])
          const bool debug_print = true;
          if (debug_print) {
              debug_fp = new std::ofstream("1.txt", std::ios::app);
          if (debug_print) {
              *debug_fp << std::setprecision(10) << 1.0 << "\n";
          if (debug_print) {
              delete debug_fp;
              boost::filesystem::copy_file(".\\1.txt", ".\\2.txt");
          return 0;
  • std::multimap for count unique values
      #include <iostream>
      #include <map>
      int main(int argc, char *argv[])
          std::multimap<int, size_t> keyvalue;
          // initialize
          for (size_t j = 0; j < 19; j++)
              keyvalue.insert(std::make_pair(j%5, j));
          // count unique keys
          auto key = keyvalue.begin()->first;
          const size_t nkey = 1 + std::count_if(keyvalue.begin(), keyvalue.end(),
              [&key](const auto& s) {
              if (s.first != key) {
                  key = s.first;
                  return true;
              else {
                  return false;
          // iterate every key group
          auto kv = keyvalue.begin();
          for (size_t g = 0; kv != keyvalue.end(); kv = keyvalue.upper_bound(kv->first), ++g)
          {//for every key group
              auto krange = keyvalue.equal_range(kv->first);
              std::cout<<"Got "<<std::distance(krange.first, krange.second)<<" values with key" << kv->first << std::endl;
              for (auto kiter = krange.first; kiter != krange.second; kiter++)
              {// for every value
                  std::cout << "  " << kiter->first << " - " << kiter->second << std::endl;
          return 0;
  • Mordern C++: Reference
      std::vector<class>::push_back and std::make_pair
      class PairC
          PairC() {
              std::cout << "Created " << count << " times.";
          ~PairC() {
              std::cout << "Deleted " << count << " times.";
          static int count;
      int PairC::count = 0;
      std::vector<PairC> ReturnPair() {
          std::vector<PairC> x;
          return std::move(x);
      int main(int argc, char *argv[])
          std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<PairC>>> x;
          x.push_back(make_pair(1, ReturnPair()));
          return 0;
      Move constructor
      #include <iostream>
      #include <vector>
      class ITEM
          ITEM() {
              id = _id++;
              std::cout << "item " << id << " created\n";
          ~ITEM() {
              std::cout << "item " << id << " removed\n";
          int id;
          static int _id;
      int ITEM::_id = 0;
      std::vector<ITEM> right_reference(int nth) {
          std::vector<ITEM> x(2);
          return std::move(x);
      class ST
          ST(int nth):vec(right_reference(nth)) {
          ~ST() {
              std::cout << " -- " << vec.size() << " items left -- \n";
          ST(const ST& v):vec(v.vec) {
          ST(ST&& v):vec(std::move(v.vec)) {
          std::vector<ITEM> vec;
      ST right_reference_VEC(int nth) {
          ST x(nth);
          return std::move(x);
      int main(int argc, char *argv[])
          ST x = right_reference_VEC(2);
          std::cout << " -- " << x.vec.size() << " items here -- \n";
          std::cout << "item " << x.vec[0].id << " read\n";
          std::cout << "item " << x.vec[1].id << " read\n";
          return 0;
      Reference in STL container
      #include <iostream>
      #include <vector>
      #include <algorithm>
      #include <iterator>
      class ObjTracker
          ObjTracker() {
              id = n++;
              p = this;
              std::cout<<"raw construct "<<id<<" : ";
              std::cout<<"raw destroy "<<id<<" : ";
              p = nullptr;
          ObjTracker(const ObjTracker&) = delete;
          ObjTracker(ObjTracker&&) = delete;
          void say() const {
              std::cout<<"I am "<<id<<" with $"<<p<<"$"<<std::endl;
          static void report() {
              std::cout<<"==== Total "<<n<<" objects created ====";
          static int n;
          int id;
          void* p;
      int ObjTracker::n=0;
      class ObjTrackerWrapper
          ObjTrackerWrapper() = delete;
      //    ObjTrackerWrapper(const ObjTrackerWrapper&) = delete;
      //    ObjTrackerWrapper(ObjTrackerWrapper&&) = delete;
          ObjTrackerWrapper(const ObjTrackerWrapper& ohs):content(ohs.content){
              p = this;
              std::cout<<"wrapper rh construct : ";
          ObjTrackerWrapper(ObjTrackerWrapper&& ohs):content(ohs.content){
              p = this;
              std::cout<<"wrapper move construct : ";
          ObjTrackerWrapper(ObjTracker& obj):content(obj){
              p = this;
              std::cout<<"wrapper normal construct : ";
              std::cout<<"wrapper destroy : ";
          void say() const {
              std::cout<<"I am wrapper "<<p<<" for $"<<&content<<"$ , it say : ";
          ObjTracker& content;
          void* p;
      class WatchDog
          WatchDog() {}
      } _;
      int main()
          std::cout<<"==== main started ===="<<std::endl;
          std::vector<ObjTracker> a(2);
          std::cout<<"==== raw created ===="<<std::endl;
          std::vector<ObjTrackerWrapper> b;
          std::cout<<"==== wrapper created ===="<<std::endl;
          std::cout<<"==== copy completed ===="<<std::endl;
          for(auto& i: b){
          std::cout<<"==== main exit here ===="<<std::endl;
          return 0;
  • Designated initializer C99 not supported in C++11

      struct MyStruct
          int a;
          int b;
      MyStruct x = {.a=1, .b=2} ;
  • 在字符串中删除某个字符,STL的妙用

      #include <iostream>
      #include <string>
      #include <algorithm>
      #include <functional>
      using namespace std;
      int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
          string str(" d df df ");
          string::iterator new_end = remove_if(str.begin(), str.end(), bind2nd(equal_to<char>(), ' '));
          str.erase(new_end, str.end());
          cout << str << endl;
          return 0;


  • STL internal: deconstructor can be called explicity. See xmemory0 for how std::vector destruct an object when .pop_back with the help of std::allocator

      template<class _Uty>
          void destroy(_Uty *_Ptr)
          {	// destroy object at _Ptr
          _Ptr->~_Uty(); // **this line of code will be skiped for build-in types**
  • Use command cpp -dM -E -xc++ /dev/null and cc -dM -E -xc /dev/null to check build-in macros. Or check macros definiation place in the source code while processing

      gcc -E $CompileOptions $SourceFile | \
      egrep "^# " | grep -v '<'| cut -f 2 -d '"' | \
      sort | uniq |
      while read line
                  grep -l $MacroName $line
  • Dealing with macro in C++
      // use g++ -E main.cpp -o main.i to pre-process the file
      #include <iostream>
      void __print_macro_value__() {
      #define __PRINT__MACRO__(x) std::cout<<"value of "<<(#x)<<" is "<<(x)<<std::endl
      #undef __PRINT__MACRO__
  • In gdb, useset print elements {200|unlimited} and print *{pArray}@{len} to print all the contents of pArray[]. Use p (char*)m_path to print a string.

  • Ubuntu安装Sqlite3


      apt-get install sqlite sqlite3


      apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

    包含头文件#include <sqlite3.h>,编译时在连接器选项中加入选项-lsqlite3